SATTRA's soul desire is to support the community of pregnant women and mothers, with pre/postnatal yoga, birthing techniques and birth breathing.
Your Prenatal Yoga Classes
1 hr
1 hr
A few words from my teacher ....
Nav delivers prenatal yoga classes with care and with insights from her own recent experience of 3 natural births.
She completed her prenatal yoga training with me in 2018 and has an ability to give nurturing guidance that helps pregnant mums stay physically healthy and tools to keep them feeling nourished and emotionally grounded.
Nav has a great vision for building an open community for pregnant women through her “baby on board” badges to providing babymoon retreats which give access to specialists in women's health in Hong Kong.
If I am pregnant now, and don't want to self-practice, I'd join Nav's prenatal yoga classes!

Bhakti Wong, founder of A Way of Being, is Hong Kong's most acclaimed Prenatal Yoga teacher, she is a somatic therapist, and a yoga and mindfulness teacher.
Since 2004, she has worked to educate and empower thousands of individuals, through a whole-person approach: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. She serves at Ikigai Studio and Shakti Healing Circle, with offerings to advocate women’s wellness.
It takes a community to empower a mother
The Birth Retreats are a unique wellness experience to give pregnant women strength, support, knowledge and
to empower them in their pregnancy, birth experience
and beyond.
Every retreat includes meditation, prenatal yoga, a nutritious lunch, a space to meet a community of pregnant women, and access to women’s wellness specialists.
Curated by SATTRA, this retreat is coming soon, subscribe to our community to receive the latest updates.
Enter your BIRTH community
A Mother's Tale...

Home Birth Stories
Marketing Director turned yoga teacher and mom to 3 under 5, Nav Kumari shares her story of the mythical home birth in Hong Kong. Facebook groups will tell you it’s not done here or that it’s illegal in Hong Kong, but is this really the case? While home birth might not be your thing, you’ll certainly connect with Nav on empowering yourself in your own birth choices.

Having 3 Children within 3 Years
Ever wondered what motherhood truly looks like with more than one kid? I certainly have. So I sat down with Nav (virtually of course) who shared a beautiful conversation around motherhood, and what that looks like behind close doors for a mother of 3.
This conscious conversation is lighthearted, wholesome, full of nuggets, tips, and positive tools we can all turn to when we have those challenging days.
We all have stories to tell.
Here are some of mine.
Would love to hear yours too...
Meet the Specialists....

Watch our online forum & meet just some of the specialists from the women’s wellness industry. They provide insights from their area of expertise and guidance on what to expect at future retreats. A journey of wellbeing - Your Path of Truth x
On Instagram @birthretreat

On your Path of Truth ....
... you remain curious, you know there's something bigger to unfold in life yet you're on a journey (inward) using yoga & mindful living to find it.
You might not always be clear about where to look, but you have faith that it exists and you know the truth will inevitably reveal itself.