Keep your intentions fresh.
Focus the mind, and the body will follow.
SATTRa offers Alignment yoga for all levels with the aim to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Here's just a few reasons why yoga has been proven to be so great for anyone.
Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Maintain a balanced metabolism
Cardio and circulatory health
Improves respiration, energy and vitality; promoting youthfulness
Clarity of the mind and ability to deal with difficult situations
A mindful outlook to life
Creates strength, mobility, flexibility and muscle tone

1 hr
1 hr
1 hr

On your Path of Truth ....
... you remain curious, you know there's something bigger to unfold in life yet you're on a journey (inward) using yoga & mindful living to find it.
You might not always be clear about where to look, but you have faith that it exists and you know the truth will inevitably reveal itself.